Tuesday Morning Bible Study – 9:30am September thru May in Ed Wing; utilizes a variety of material
Lydia Circle – 4th Wednesday of each month at 9:30am in Ed Wing (typically takes a break in winter months) Group chooses studies and lessons together.
Men’s Bible Study – 6:30am Mondays at Ingham Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp (Okoboji site – Grace Place Lounge).
M.O.F.I.A.: Men of First in Action – 7:45am Thursdays in church Conference Room. Often concentrates on Gospel reading for the week and a variety of other studies.
While we do not have any current group studies, there are often special, short term studies that take place throughout the year. Keep an eye on the bulletin to see what new and different group studies are taking place at First!
Quilting– 1st & 3rd Tuesday in Fellowship Hall. Join this group as quilts are made to be delivered to impoverished countries through Lutheran World Relief.
Mission Team– Join this group that organizes mission activities and mission fundraising.
Families in Service– Opportunities include Christian Radio hostess, cookie sale, kitchen service, meals on wheels, prayer chain, St. Luke’s Lutheran Home activities, ecumenical service during Lent and fellowship and support and other mission activities and fundraising.
Community of Readers Bookclub– Join other readers as a book is read and discussed each month.
Shawl Ministry– Join others in knitting or crocheting shawls for those who are ill or suffered a loss.
First Friends- Join others for food and fellowship around the community.
Community Garden-meets Spring through Fall. Help with all aspects of a vegetable garden.
Visitation Team-Join this group to participate in visiting parishioners who are home bound.
Building & Grounds-Join this group that maintains the outer area of our campus.
Days for Girls – We sew menstrual kit components for the Days for Girls organization, a nonprofit that prepares and distributes sustainable menstrual health solutions to girls who would otherwise miss school during their periods. Meets Monthly.
Contact the office or our Supportive Ministry Coordinator for more information regarding meeting schedules
and who to contact about joining groups!