**Due to weather, event has been rescheduled to Saturday, May 28th! If you have any questions, please contact Reagan!
First Lutheran is sponsoring a FirstKids and families trip to Bouncelandia to celebrate the end of our Sunday School year together!
First Lutheran will be paying $10 of the $15 admission for all kids who RSVP by May 21st, additional financial aid is available!
(Admission costs cover bouncing attractions. Additional costs of new bonus attractions, concessions, and adult admission not included.)
If you have any questions, please contact Reagan
children@3cross.org 712-338-4514
The $5 cost of admission will need to be turned in before the event. It can be brought to church anytime. There will be a place on the front desk and the Ed Wing to drop off payments at church.
Just simply include the name of the kid(s) with the money you turn in!
*Waivers must be signed in order to attend.
*Signing the RSVP form and Bouncelandia waivers stands as your acknowledgment that First Lutheran is not responsible for any injuries/accidents that happen while at this event.