children’s ministry
Join us for our Sunday School hour during the school year! We begin with Rally Day in September and run through the beginning of May! We have lots of opportunities for kids to learn, grow, be silly, and have fun! Contact Tammy Carr for more information by calling (712) 338-4514 or emailing her at .

Every summer, we offer a week long VBS here at First. We have a huge amount of amazing volunteers and help from one of the local camps that creates an awesome and unique experience for everyone involved.
VBS 2025 is scheduled for June 16th – 19th!
Mark your calendars and sign up here in the Spring!
Kids at First is a time for 5 year olds thru 12 year olds to engage in a variety of fun and educational activities to learn about the Bible and experience God’s love. This is held on Wednesday evenings throughout the year from 6:30 – 7:30pm in the education wing. Please register your child(ren) any time of year, we’d love to have them join us! For questions please contact Tammy Carr at

There is something really special about engaging and experiencing ministry with those in different stages of life than you. Everyone involved brings something unique to the table and often everyone takes something different away from the event.
We are constantly trying to provide opportunities for people to learn and worship with those outside their typical ‘group’ and encourage anyone and everyone to come and participate in these events!
We are constantly trying to provide opportunities for people to learn and worship with those outside their typical ‘group’ and encourage anyone and everyone to come and participate in these events!
We provide a supervised nursery during our Sunday School hour and the 8:30 services on Sunday mornings.
We also have a cry room that is available for infants and young children with their parents and other special circumstances.
Both rooms are equipped with audio feed from the service.